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AGM 2024

Discover Groomsport is holding its second Annual General Meeting on Thursday 14th November at 7.30 pm in the Boathouse.  The meeting will consider the Trustees’ Annual Report for 2023-2024 and the audited accounts for 2023-2024.  The meeting will also elect the Trustees for the next year. The meeting is open top members and non-members. The agenda and papers for the meeting can be found here

Light refreshments will follow the meeting and you will be able to have photographs scanned for inclusion in our Digital Archive.

Dear Members of Discover Groomsport

I am writing to give you notice that the second Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Discover Groomsport will take place on Thursday 14th November, at 7.30 pm, in the Boathouse, Groomsport. I hope you will be able to attend the AGM which will be followed by refreshments. There will also be an opportunity to have your photographs scanned for inclusion in our Digital Archive.

The agenda can be seen below and the agenda and papers for the meeting are attached to this email. They are:

– Agenda for this AGM

– Minutes of the AGM held on 5th October 2023
– Annual Report of the Trustees for 2023-2024
– Audited Annual Accounts for 2023-2024 – version to be submitted to the Charity Commission
– Summary of Annual Accounts for 2023-2024
– Independent Examiner’s Report on the accounts.

A note on the annual accounts. The official, signed version of our audited accounts, which uses a spreadsheet drawn up by the Charity Commission, is not very user friendly. We have therefore produced a summary version of the accounts which we feel is easier to understand.

To save paper, and the environment, hard copies of these documents will not be available at the AGM.

Discover Groomsport is governed by its Constitution which was adopted on 28th October 2022. It can be found on our website at:

At the AGM, the Trustees will report on the work of Discover Groomsport in 2023-2024. There will be an opportunity for you to express your views about past activities and to suggest to the trustees the sort of activities you would like to see in 2025.

I hope all this is clear. If not, please contact me.

Hallowe’en in Groomsport

Discover Groomsport is pleased to be working with the Council to provide an afternoon of Hallowe’en activities on Sunday 27th October, from 2pm top 4pm. At Cockle Row Cottages there will be: Animals from Blackberry Farm, Spooky stories; a Hallowe’en trail; and a Witch! At the Boathouse there will be: Hallowe’en Crafts and Games; and A Fancy dress parade to Cockle Row at 3.30pm. Come and bring your children and grandchildren for an afternoon of fun!

Other matters

Tuesday Club 3rd December

Mary Cargill, one of our members who coordinates the Tuesday Club, has asked me to share the following:

The Tuesday Club meeting on 3rd December is an open meeting. Tickets on sale at £10 which includes refreshments and a prize draw – the tickets are numbered. Maybe you would let your members know about our incredible magic show and let them know that they can get tickets from me by ringing 02891474098 Or 07359373770.

Ards and North Down Council has asked me to let you know about the following events.

Leid and Lairn Festival: A Celebration of Ulster Scots Language and Heritage

Ards and North Down Borough Council is excited to announce the Leid and Lairn Festival, a month-long celebration of the rich language, culture, and history of the Ulster Scots tradition. The festival provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Ulster Scots, from its language and powerful folklore to its influential role in shaping local history.

Running from Saturday 26 October to Tuesday 26 November, the festival offers a vibrant mix of events that showcase the depth and beauty of Ulster Scots heritage through music, poetry, storytelling, film, and a historical exhibition. Taking place across the Borough, the events offer something for everyone.

Highlights of the festival include a digital film screening of Tha Queen O’Wuntér at Donaghadee Community Centre, that explores the winter myths of the Cailleach, NI Opera presents From Old to New: Ulster Scots Songs, a lunchtime concert exploring how Ulster Scots song has changed over time. Stories and Songs of the Seanchaí at Portico, Portaferry will feature folksinger, songwriter and storyteller Colin Urwin for some beautiful ballads and rhyming monologues.

Join Valhalla Street Theatre for a theatrical walking tour through historic Newtownards, and an exhibition at Ards Visitor Information Centre will delve into the lasting influence of Ulster Scots on local place names and culture.

Tickets are on sale now and can be booked online at, or in person at Ards Arts Centre, North Down Museum, or any of the Ards and North Down Visitor Information Centres.

Peter Gibson
Discover Groomsport

Second Annual General Meeting
Thursday 14th November, 2024
in the Boathouse, Groomsport at 7.30pm


1 Apologies for absence 
2 Minutes of AGM held on 5th October 2023 (previously circulated)
3 Remarks by Chair
4 Trustees’ Report for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 (previously circulated)  Secretary
5 Audited Accounts and Independent Examiner’s Report for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 (previously circulated) – Treasurer
6 Motion 1: That the Trustees’ Report, the Audited Accounts and the Independent Examiner’s report be accepted and submitted to the Charity Commission.
7 Motion 2: That Frances McCormick, County Down Rural Network, be re-appointed as the Independent Examiner of Discover Groomsport’s accounts.
8 Oral report on activities since 1st April 2024 – Trustees
9 Open discussion of activities that could be undertaken in 2025.
10 Election of Trustees – Frances McCormick to chair
Motion 3: That the following ten existing Trustees be re-elected:
Peter Gibson, Sharon Goldie, Rev David Irwin, Maureen Irwin, David Martin, Geoff McKeown, Jim McMullan, Roy McWhinney, Elaine Nixon and Audrey Thomas.
Motion 4: That the meeting recommends Prof. Ruth Fee be considered for co-option as a Trustee.
Possible identification of a member who would be willing to be co-opted as a Trustee.
11 Any other business

The meeting will be followed by refreshments

There will be an opportunity to have photographs scanned for the Digital Archive